
Sometimes while using SeoToolkit, you might not need all the modules on your website. Maybe you only want to use the Sitemap functionality for its interface, but allow serving the sitemap from your own code? Within SeoToolkit, it is possible to disable certain parts of the package.

This can be done through the AppSettings:

 "SeoToolkit": {
    "ScriptManager": {
      "DisabledModules": [ "All" ]
    "RobotsTxt": {
      "DisabledModules": [ "SectionTree" ]
    "Redirects": {
      "DisabledModules": []
    "MetaFields": {
      "DisabledModules": [ "DocumentTypeContextApp" ]

You can also see the placement here: https://github.com/patrickdemooij9/SeoToolkit.Umbraco/blob/main/src/SeoToolkit.Umbraco.Site/appsettings.json

Each functionality has their own modules that can be disabled. The overal list is as follows:

Middleware Disables the serving of middleware. If this is disabled, requests to robots.txt, sitemap.xml will not be resolved automatically.

DocumentTypeContextApp Disables the context app within the document type section. This will disable the settings there, so that you cannot edit them.

SectionTree Disables the node of the functionality within the SeoToolkit section.

All Disables all of the above and all of the services of that functionality.

FunctionalityAllowed disabling modes


All, DocumentTypeContextApp


All, Middleware, SectionTree


All, Middleware, SectionTree


All, Middleware, DocumentTypeContextApp

Script Manager

All, SectionTree

Last updated