
Various functionalities have app settings that you are able to configure. Each functionality also has a disabled module setting that can be set, but you can read more about that under the "Disabling" page.


In the SeoToolkit package, there are some functionalities that span across multiple features. These are therefore only available in the SeoToolkit package. For these functionalities, the configuration can be found under the global configuration.

AutomaticSitemapsInRobotsTxt (bool, default = true) Determines if robots.txt should automatically add the sitemaps to it.

EnableSeoSettingsByDefault (bool, default = false) Determines if Seo settings should be enabled by default.

"SeoToolkit": {
    "Global": {
      "AutomaticSitemapsInRobotsTxt": true,
      "EnableSeoSettingsByDefault": false


ShowAlternatePages (bool, default = true) Determines if alternate pages should be rendered within the Sitemap.xml. Alternate pages are pages that also exist in a different language.

LastModifiedFieldAlias (string, default = "lastModifiedDate") Field alias that is used to retrieve the information about the last modified date. If a field with this alias can be found, its value will be used. If it cannot, then the last modified date will fall back to the last updated date.

ChangeFrequencyFieldAlias (string, default = "changeFrequency") Field alias that is used to retrieve the information about the change frequency. If a field with this alias can be found, its value will be used. If it cannot, then it will not be shown unless set in Umbraco.

PriorityFieldAlias (string, default = "priority") Field alias that is used to retrieve the information about the priority. If a field with this alias can be found, its value will be used. If it cannot, then it will not be shown unless set in Umbraco.

LastModifiedFormat (string, default = "yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:sszzz") Format that is used for your LastModified date.

Script Manager

Definitions (Dictionary, default = empty) Can contain configuration about the specific definitions, but is now only used to disable definitions that you don't want on your website.

"SeoToolkit": {
    "ScriptManager": {
      "DisabledModules": [],
      "Definitions": {
        "googleAnalytics": {
          "Enabled": false

The list of definition aliases is:

  • googleAnalytics (Google Analytics)

  • googleTagManager (Google Tag Manager)

  • hotjar (Hotjar)

  • customScriptDefinition (Custom Script)

Meta fields

"SeoToolkit": {
    "MetaFields": {
      "SupportedMediaTypes": [ ".png", ".jpg", ".jpeg", ".webp", ".gif" ],
      "OpenGraphCropAlias": "openGraphImage",
      "ShowKeywordsField": false,
      "DisabledModules": []

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