Script Manager


1 You first want to download the NuGet package to your project. You can use dotnet add package SeoToolkit.Umbraco.ScriptManager to download the NuGet package. Make sure to build your project after that!

2 In your _ViewImports.cshtml, you want to add the following line @addTagHelper *, SeoToolkit.Umbraco.ScriptManager.Core.

4 Add the tag <render-script position="HeadBottom"></render-script> as close to the bottom of your head tag as you can.

5 Add the tag <render-script position="BodyTop"></render-script> as close to the top of the body tag as you can.

6 Add the tag <render-script position="BodyBottom"></render-script> as close to the bottom of your body tag as you can.

    <render-script position="HeadBottom"></render-script>
    <render-script position="BodyTop"></render-script>
    <render-script position="BodyBottom"></render-script>

Last updated