
Because SeoToolkit has many features and allows you to add only the features that you need, it is important to also set up all the configurations for it. In the next few pages, we'll list out all the configuration steps that need to be done for this package to be used.


Installation is done through a NuGet package and any updates will also be done through that. Examples in this documentation will use the NuGet package manager to download your packages, but any other GUI like the one in Visual Studio can also be used.

Each of the packages comes with a full version and also a core version. The full version includes all the code and also the views needed. The core version only includes the code. While the full version will most likely be enough for your needs, you might also need to extend the core functionality in a different project. The core version can be used for this, so that your project doesn't get the views added to it.

It is also possible to install a package with all the functionality included. This is very handy if you are planning on using all/most of the functionality as this package will also be able to combine them.

Installation of that package can be done through the NuGet command:

Install-Package SeoToolkit.Umbraco

After installing, you'll want to add the following lines to the _ViewImports.cshtml file:

@addTagHelper *, SeoToolkit.Umbraco.ScriptManager.Core
@addTagHelper *, SeoToolkit.Umbraco.MetaFields.Core

After that, add the following tag helpers in your master template

At the bottom of the <head> tag

<render-script position="HeadBottom"></render-script>

At the top of the <body> tag

<render-script position="BodyTop"></render-script>

At the bottom of the <body> tag

<render-script position="BodyBottom"></render-script>

Wherever you want to render your meta fields


After that, your installation is complete and you can get started with the package!

Last updated