

After installing the package, it'll automatically allow you to go to /sitemap.xml and see the generated sitemap. If you are running multiple domains, then it could also show the index sitemap. If you have two domains like and Then you'll find an index sitemap at and specific sitemaps at and

You are also able to set some specific information about your document types in the backoffice. There is a Seo Settings content app located at each document type. After enabling the Seo Settings, you are able to configure the Change Frequency or Priority. You can also hide that document type from the sitemap itself

Priority & Change Frequency

There are two ways to configure the Priority and Change Frequency. The first one is by using the interface in the document type content app. The other way is to have a property with the alias priority and changeFrequency for the priority and change frequency fields. It'll then use the value of those properties and display it in the sitemap.xml


You are able to change the configuration of the sitemap within your appsettings. The section lives under SeoToolkit and the options to change are:

  • ShowAlternatePages (default: true). Determines if alternate pages should be rendered in the sitemap.xml. Is only used if your page has multiple languages

  • LastModifiedFieldAlias (default: "lastModifiedDate"). The field alias of the field that is used to determine the Last Modified date. If this field doesn't exist, then the publish date is used.

  • ChangeFrequencyFieldAlias (default: "changeFrequency"). The field alias of the field that is used to determine the change frequency. If this field doesn't exist, then the change frequency isn't generated.

  • PriorityFieldAlias (default: "priority). The field alias of the field that is used to determine the priority. If this field doesn't exist, then the priority isn't generated.

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