

You can use the redirects package by going to the SEO Toolkit section. Here you'll find a redirects node where you can add your configuration of the robots.txt file.

If you do not see the SEO Toolkit Section, then make sure to give your group access to that section.

Here you can add new redirects and also edit your existing ones. If you create or update an redirect you'll see the following panel:

Let's quickly go over all the different fields that you can set.


The user can select to have a redirect for all sites, a specific domain in Umbraco or a custom domain. This will then determine on what domains the redirect should be used.

From Url

Then we have the from URL property. This is a relative URL from where the redirect starts. You can also notice that you have a dropdown to the right. This is to switch between URL or Regex.

New Url

Clicking on "Set Link" will open up a new screen. Here you can select if you want to add your own URL or link to a content/media item. You can also switch between the different languages of that content/media item. So as a user, I can easily link to the content that I want without having to worry about what the URL is again. And it also allows me to easily switch cultures if that is needed.

Status Code

The status code allows you to set the redirect to a permanent or temporary redirect.

Last updated